Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Edit Me

This week on EDIT ME we have an opportunity (until Saturday) to edit a photo from one of my faves, Ashley Sisk.  Very intimidating, I tell ya.  She is a master at what she does.  Check out this gorgeous babe SOOC. . . 
Photo taken by Ashley Sisk

Let's see if I can remember this. . .
To begin with, I brought up the photo in Lightroom and brigtened up the photo by increasing fill light and exposure.  Increased blacks a bit.  Sharpened. I also messed around with shadows and highlights.  I really loved the light that was coming in from the window on his face.  So lovely.  I may have increased it a little too much and blew out the highlights.  Well, not may have-- I know I blew them out, but that sun looked so warm.  I did use recovery to help a litle bit, but it was changing his skin tone too much so I held back.  I cropped and changed the angle ever so slightly.  I also cloned out the very corner of the chair.  I didn't find the line super distracting, but decided just to fade out the edge a bit.
Then I converted it to a black and white and used a mocha tint in photoshop from Paint the Moon.

 I decided it was looking a little muddy so I went back to my first edit.

So, this is my final photo for consideration. . .

Edit Me
Thanks for looking everyone and for sharing all of your steps in editing!!  I'm learning so much!!


  1. I love both edits. The first one didn't seem muddy to me. Just soft and yummy. The second has great colors. His skin looks so soft and kissable.

  2. Love these both. So much fun to edit I think.

  3. I had a lot of fun doing this. I love both your shots.

    Thank you for visiting my blog too. :)

  4. I like them both too...My favorite is the muddy one ;)

  5. Love the second edit! Nicely done!

  6. LOVE the second edit - just wonderful!!!

  7. I like both your edits! They're so different, but both are very effective. Well done!

  8. Really like the last one...Nice job!
    Donna (Texas) #18

  9. Really love both edits, but LOVE the 2nd!

  10. Both of them look great but I like your final choice!

  11. I love your bright color edit, but I also really like the black and white. Great work.
