Thursday, April 26, 2012


I recieved the BEST package in the mail yesterday!  A gorgeous book of amazing photos all taken in Minneosta.  

And if you look on page 26, you can see one of my photos!!!

Isn't she gorgeous??  She is one of my best friend's daughters and is absolutely beautiful inside and out.  I can't wait to send her a copy of the book!

I know I got lucky, but I am just so excited and honored to be a part of such a wonderful project.  My first (and probably only) published photo.  Hooray!
(thanks for letting me toot, err. . . .HONK my own horn.) :)


  1. Squeal!!! You must be so excited! I know I would be over the moon to have taken such a lovely photo let alone have it published. Congrats!! xoxo

  2. A published photographer! I got my book yesterday too - now I just need to get a coffee table so I can put it on there and casually mention to people that my SIL basically made that book...CONGRATS!! Dee Dee

  3. Umm. YOU GO GIRL! That's awesome. Jealous! ;)

  4. OMG, Sarah, you can toot your horn whenever and as often as you want to!! You can just drive by my house and honk and I'll know it's you saying, "I made the book"!!! Yay!!!! WAY TO GO!!!

  5. TOOT!!!!! HONK!!!!!! It will so not be our last published photo my dear friend. You are amazing.
