Sunday, July 24, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Well, I missed a week, but I'm back for another round of Scavenger Hunt Sunday.  Go check out one of my very favorite photo blogs and play along!

1. Music To My Ears: The absence of yelling and whining (which I hear A LOT) is music to my ears.  Listening to my kids being sweet and silly with each other makes me think that it *might* be worth all the trouble. ;)

2. Hat:  I posted this one earlier in the week, but I couldn't top this hat shot, so here it is again!

3. Clear: (Girlfriends, giggles, games and some Bud Light Lime for good measure).

4.  Out of this World:  I know you may not believe this, but I took this photo just as this woman was transporting herself to a parallel universe.  For serious! Totally out of this world, if you ask me! ;)

5: Sprinkles: And this one is from a over a month ago and it's a bit of a stretch, but those are sprinkles from the sprinkler.  Do I get points for cuteness? :)

Posting your SHAPES photos later tonight!  Send them to if you haven't already! :)


  1. Stopping by from SHS ... LOVE your sprinkles shot! She's a doll!

  2. You are absolutely right, that hat shot is $$$

  3. These are all so great - I love the entire set. No really...I love the entire set.

  4. Great set, I love them all! Great interpretations and photos. Thanks for your visit @ Chasing Rainbows, Sarah and your lovely comment!

  5. Oh my word, what a cute Hat shot

  6. these are all so great and then I just laughed out loud at the last one, how delightful!

  7. Awesome photos. Love the 'sprinkles' and the alien being.

  8. Fabulous photos...that is a lot of Bud Lite!
